Thank you for the wishes above. 谢谢你们!!! You people are so sweet!!! As promised... some pictures for u guys,sorry cos my camera is in my car. So this is what i can find in my PC. Will post more pics on "I LOVE SUNDAY" soon. When the BROTHERS get together!!! The below pictures are posted mainly bcos i am 无聊! 有任何得罪的地方,请多多包含!!! 哈哈哈!!!
梁文音~i love her!!! Age:20 but she got a good voice. And of cos...she's so sweet!!! =) And the way she sing..hmmm...nice smile!!! My type of gal... Any matchmakers around? haha~~~
Someone asked me before,what's yr wish huh? Seriously,thinking back,other than having my own album, its...migrating to hongkong... Had a chat with some of my friends, they are now PR of hongkong. happily working there and busy dating!!ggrrhh!! i envy them... It's a country where i will go a few times per year. What's so nice about it? 1)I like it when the place looks abit messy... especially during late nights,when u take a stroll along the streets. And you feel a little excitement compared to the "super-safe" streets in singapore. 2)Shopping!!!It heals all illnesses!!!Always ended up with more than 5 luggages even though i only bring 2 there. 3)Hk serials,been my favourite pastime since young till now...still young, i mean. 4)Food!!!yummy...especially those on the roadside...yummy!!! 5)Cantonese???I speak and i sing it's not a problem!!! 6)Hk gals!!!They are so cute.Maybe they dress well and have a good fashion sense. So i think they all look cute to me. Hope that my wish will be fulfilled soon... Argh!!!Nevermind i think i better ease the itch first... Here i come in Dec!!! So my fellow friends,watch out!! I'll be forcing,ooppss..i mean persuading u to go HK again very soon. Many pictures will be coming up on my next post. Quite lazy to do it now. And to those who are taking their exams... Jiayou!!!Do yr best and God will do the rest!
Everyone must watch the videos ok?Damn good!! Maybe becos i am a typical cancerian guy, Full of emotions,super ultra sensitive guy...haha! was so touched watching the videos. 強忍淚水,鸡皮疙瘩都起了!!! 我好想挑战他们!!! It will be a good learning experience. Been watching these for few months already and doing alot of homework on the way they sing. Sincerity is the key to a success! I always liked to have a target to work towards to. 楊宗緯 is my next learning target. One thing i learnt which i wanna share. It can be very useful to everyone in life. To improve from 80 to 90, or 90 to 95, even if its 95 to 98, it takes the same time... knocked alot of sense into me...what about u?
Been sick these few days,and staying at home alot, Like never before...haha... it's kinda great...more time for composing and learning new things. actually also because of my SUPER SWOLLEN sprained toes, really don't wanna be spotted walking like a crab outside.
Finally decided to take the LCM(London College of Music) exam this dec. I wanna find all ways to improve and have a better performance, everytime i am on stage. Will have some events coming up soon... if i have the time, i will update ok...sorry for the delay.